[texhax] \boldmath and times fonts

W.J. Metzger wes at hef.ru.nl
Fri Apr 18 13:45:11 CEST 2008

Thanks, Lars.  That does the trick.


On Wed, 16 Apr 2008, Lars Madsen wrote:

> W.J. Metzger :
>> On Mon, 14 Apr 2008, Lars Madsen wrote:
>>> W.J. Metzger :
>>>> While I am normally quite happy with computer modern, I have a user who
>>>> insists on using times.  She does this by
>>>> \usepackage{times}
>>>> \usepackage{mathptmx}
>>>> \usepackage{mathrsfs}
>>>> But \boldmath, as in the following does not produce a bold x
>>>> \section{Rapidity and \boldmath{$x$} Dependence}
>>>> Does someone know how to do this?
>>> as far as I know one of the short commings of the times that comes with
>>> LaTeX
>>> is that it is mussing the bold math fonts.
>>> try using the bm package, and use
>>> $\bm{x}$
>>> maybe \boldmath even works now (I never user boldmath so I don't know).
>>> /daleif
>> Thanks, Lars, for your suggestion.  I had in fact already tried bm and
>> given up when it clashed with the hyperref package resulting in
>> TeX capacity exceeded (see attached log) - the same occurs if I load
>> hyperref before the other packages.
>> If I remove hyperref it works OK.  So it looks like one has to choose
>> between bm and hyperref.
> \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
> \usepackage{bm}
> \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}
> \DeclareBoldMathCommand{\balpha}{\alpha}
> \begin{document}
> \tableofcontents
> % \section{Test $\bm{\alpha}$} % this dies with hyperref
> \section{Test $\balpha$} % works with hyperref, but bookmarks complain
> sdf
> \end{document}
> /daleif

Dr. W. J. Metzger            Experimental High Energy Physics Group
tel. +31-24-3653127          Faculty of Science
      +31-24-3652099 (secr.)  Radboud University Nijmegen
fax. +31-24-3652191          Heyendaalseweg 135
                              6525 AJ  Nijmegen,  The Netherlands
e-mail:  wes at hef.ru.nl       or   Wesley.Metzger at cern.ch
http://home.cern.ch/metzger/ or   http://www.hef.ru.nl/~wes

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