[texhax] figure placement option [b] not working as expected

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Wed Nov 21 16:57:10 CET 2007

McAllaster, Douglas, CIV, OASD(HA)/TMA :

> Folks,
> Any suggestions on how to get a figure aligned to the bottom of a page?
> Below does not work as expected. Problem is documented in below.
> Thx, Doug McAllaster
> Health Programs Analysis & Evaluation
> Douglas.McALLaster at tma.osd.miL
> \documentclass {article}
> \usepackage {geometry}
>            \geometry {margin=2cm}
> \usepackage {lipsum}
> \usepackage {graphics}
> \begin {document}
> this text is BEFORE the figure AND figure [t] option works PROPERLY
> and puts the figure at the top of the page
> \lipsum[1]
> \begin {figure} [t]
> \centering
> \fbox {\includegraphics {tricr1ok}}
> \caption {fig-tricr}
> \end   {figure}
> \newpage
> this text is BEFORE the figure BUT figure [b] option works IMPROPERLY
> and puts the figure on page 3 by itself
> when I want the figure on page 2 aligned to the bottom.
> Figure option [h] (here) easily fits it on the 2nd page with above text.
> \par
> \begin {figure} [h]
> \centering
> \fbox{\includegraphics {tricr1ok}}
> \caption {fig 2nd time}
> \end   {figure}
> \end {document}

Note that specifying just one placement should only be used in special 
cases, otherwise LaTeX might run out of options and the figure will end up 
at the end of the chapter/document.

How large are the figure?

This is because there are some settings that says how large a figure can 
be if it is to be placed at the various places.

There is a general  explanation in the memoir manual.


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