[texhax] texlive2007 in Ubuntu

TEDY tedytirtawidjaja at gmail.com
Fri May 4 14:37:16 CEST 2007

I have installed TeXLive 2007 in my Ubuntu Linux. How can I configure
Linux so it read from my texlive directory instead of the latex
directory that already installed by Ubuntu?
The default latex directory is in /usr/bin/latex. My texlive directory
is /home/tedy/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux/. I don't want to use
default latex installation, I want to use my texlive installation.

After read texlive 2007 manual, I try to use these command :
$ PATH=/home/tedy/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux:$PATH export PATH

It's works, but when I restart the system Linux return to see default
PATH (/usr/bin/latex).

Can anybody help me to configure texlive in Ubuntu?

sincerely yours,
Tedy Tirtawidjaja

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