[texhax] Help available?

SUSANNE SCOTT scott.788 at osu.edu
Fri May 19 16:34:22 CEST 2006

I have a coding question, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to ask it here. I was hoping to find a LaTeX forum, but I haven't found a busy one yet.

In any case, if I am allowed to ask a question, then I'll do it now and if not, hopefully, no harm, no foul.

My friend created a thesis.cls template for me to use. It works great. He recently found out that the Chapters page only needs to be 2 inches from the top - the rest of the pages can remain in the format he created. He sent me the code to make the change to the Chapter pages only. In a nutshell, he just created a new pagestyle to be called up when the command is 




The code he used for the .cls template is the following:

\def\ps at myheadings{\ps at empty \vspace{1in}
      \rightmark{}{}\hfil \llap{\thepage}}

This code works fine, except that the page number is located on the top right hand side of the page above the chapter heading. It needs to be in the center of the page at the bottom. The rest of the pages are fine and the numbering is fine. It is just the location of thse numbers for the chapter pages only.  
If you can please provide some insight as to how I can format the ne page style so that the numbering remains consistent and the page number is at the bottom center - just like the rest of the pages. I am very new to LaTeX, so please provide explicit help if possible!

Thank you very much!
Best regards,

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