[texhax] Re: Left justify table

Martin Heller mr_heller at yahoo.dk
Sun Mar 26 22:15:11 CEST 2006

Theodore Walls skrev:
> Here is the full table code, and I attach the result.  The reason that I am
> using tabularx is simply that tabular does not work with some element that I
> have in my table--LaTex will not generate the table using just tabular.
> Could I be missing something?  Absolutely, I patched this table together
> months ago from various examples and my LaTex experience is...increasing.
> If does work, I was just hoping for the left justification.



\caption{\label{table:aims}Correspondence of designs, study types
and dynamical modeling steps.}
   \textbf{Study Aim} & \textbf{Smoking Behavior Study Type} &
   \textbf{Time Series Steps} & \textbf{Control Model Steps} &
   \textbf{Demonstration Data}\\
Develop dynamical models of self-regulation & Descriptive Longitudinal \&
Momentary Behavior & 1. Characterize the \emph{Stability of a Process} and
its time varying covariates & 1. Identify basic \emph{Control Process} &
TERN, Richmond, Mooney, Jamner data\\
Assess change in self-regulation & Interrupted Time Series; Cessation \&
Intervention & 2. Assess interruption effects on the \emph{Stability of a
Process} & 2. Assess intervention effects on the \emph{Control Output} &
Shiffman data\\
Characterize change in self-regulation over intervals of calendar time &
Longitudinal Measurement Burst \& Natural History of Momentary Behavior \&
Developmental Course & 3. Assess the long-term trend of the \emph{Stability
of a Process} & 3. Characterize the over-time structure of the control
process & Rende and Jamner data \\

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