[texhax] Blogs

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Jul 18 15:35:59 CEST 2006

I am really forced to ask "why on earth would anyone want to ?"

Not only do "blogs" have the silliest name imaginable
(is "Web log" /really/ too long to use ?), but they are surely
the most pointless form of self-aggrandisement ever invented,
serving only to enhance (in his/her own mind) the image
of the so-called "blogger" whilst leaving the rest of
the world not one iota better off.  Please, Dr Flom, leave
"blogging" to the great unwashed, and write /real/ books
or /real/ articles that actually serve to enhance the
world in which we live ...

Philip Taylor
Peter Flom wrote:

 > Hello
 > I have ordered The LaTeX Web companion, which probably has the answers
 > to this, but since that may be a while getting to me, I was wondering if
 > anyone had advice on using LaTeX to write diaries on a blog, in
 > particular, dailykos  (www.dailykos.com).
 > thanks
 > Peter

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