[texhax] Latex Style files A5, A6 - Contact to German support

Clemens Brandstetter Clemens.Brandstetter at T-Online.de
Tue Jul 11 15:29:00 CEST 2006

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

acutally, I am writing a book using the book-style with the format A4.

Although I have searched  al lot in the Internet for a Latex Style transforming the A4 format in A5, A6 or any other size smaller than A5 I have found no hint or other method to do so.

Can you give me some advise how to proceed? Where I can download the neccessary files? 

Do you also know Latex support from Germany which I can contact via phone or email regarding my problem / question?

Thanks al lot for your help!!

Best regards

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