[texhax] author-date biblio style

Frauke Jurgensen frauke at videotron.ca
Wed Mar 9 17:27:18 CET 2005

Philip G. Ratcliffe wrote:

>>I've tried natbib and apalike, and I get an odd sort of problem (in all
>>these styles) in the reference list at the end, where the label of the
>>entry is superimposed on the name of  the author. I've attached a page
>>from the refs as a postscript, so you can see what I mean. It's very
>>strange-looking, and I have no idea why it happens.
>The \begin{thebibliography}{<longest label>} command has an argument
>indicated here as <longest label> and it should be just that.  The
>bibliography style file (.bst) should put it in automatically.  If it
>doesn't, either find one that does or put in something by hand: just a
>string of the right length (as printed that is).
This is the message I get:

Height of p at rtialpage is 0.0pt [178] Height of p at rtialpage is 0.0pt [179]
Height of p at rtialpage is 0.0pt [180] Height of p at rtialpage is 0.0pt [181]
Height of p at rtialpage is 0.0pt [182] (./dissertationmaster.bbl
! Undefined control sequence.
\@optionalarg ->\UnexpandableProtect
                                     \SCcite {Apel}{1963}
\@alphabibitem ...l {#1}\endcsname {\@optionalarg
l.3 ...pandableProtect\SCcite{Apel}{1963}]{Apel63}

If I change the value of \begin{thebibliography}{<length>} in the .bbl 
file to some random immense value and retex the thing, forcing it to run 
through the errors, I can get it to move the labels a bit, but I still 
don't understand exactly what's going on, or rather, what I'm missing.

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