[texhax] Problems with eqnarray

Modhurita Mitra mmitra at astro.uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 8 09:39:13 CEST 2005

> Hi,
> 	I am having trouble compiling my file which contains an eqnarray. At 
> the third line in the following expression (the one beginning with - \cos, I 
> get an error.
> \begin{eqnarray}
> f(x,y,z) & = & P \times \\
> \exp \left \[ -\left( \frac{ \cos \theta \cos \phi (x - \mu_x) \\
>                           + \sin \theta (y - \mu_y) \\
>                  - \cos \theta \sin \phi (z - \mu_z)}{A_x} \right)^2 \\
>           -\left(\frac{ \sin \theta \cos \phi (x - \mu_x) \\
>                       + \cos \theta (y - \mu_y) \\
>                 + \sin \theta \sin \phi (z - \mu_z)}{A_y} \right)^2 \\
> -\left( \frac{\sin \phi (x - \mu_x) + \cos \phi (z - \mu_z)}{A_z} \right)^2 
> \right \] \\
> \end{eqnarray}
> The error message says:
> ! Missing } inserted.
> <inserted text>
>                }
> l.270 ...- \cos \theta \sin \phi (z - \mu_z)}{A_x}
>                                                   \right)^2 \\
> ?
> ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
> <inserted text> }
> l.270 ...- \cos \theta \sin \phi (z - \mu_z)}{A_x}
>                                                   \right)^2 \\
> ?
> ! Missing } inserted.
> <inserted text>
>                }
> l.270 ...- \cos \theta \sin \phi (z - \mu_z)}{A_x}
>                                                   \right)^2 \\
> ?
> I cannot find any unbalanced }'s. And it get stuck at this point in an 
> infinite loop, showing the same error again and again and doesn't compile any 
> further. What could be the source of error?
> Thank you,
> Sincerely,
> Modhurita Mitra

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