[texhax] selecting chapters from book through dviselect

Giuseppe G. N. Angilella Giuseppe.Angilella at ct.infn.it
Mon Mar 29 09:31:47 CEST 2004


I am writing my class notes using book.cls. I would like to make its
chapters available to my students as separate PDF files. Since I wasn't
able to use dvipdfm to select individual chapters (dvips does a kind of
the same with sections, whereas dvipdfm does not), I tried using
dviselect, but to no avail.

Dviselect actually looks at the \count variables used by TeX. From the log
file produced by latex, it seems that \count80 is reserved by book.cls to
chapter numbers (\c at chapter=\count80). However, dviselect's man-page
states that dviselect actually makes use of the ten count variables that
TeX uses.

Is there any (safe) way to map \count80 onto a lesser \count, so that it
can be exploited by dviselect?

Any other general suggestion concerning my problem?

Thank you all in advance.


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