[texhax] mac os x putting beamer .sty and .cls in right place

Edward Mozley Roche eroche at mac.com
Fri Oct 10 17:26:14 CEST 2003


I downloaded a few extra templates. One is called *beamer* which is a 
nice package for making slides.

The README comes with some instructions:
Put beamer.cls, *.sty, and beamericon* in a directory pointed to by  
the TEXINPUTS variable. If you have not specified the TEXINPUT 
variable, specify something like ".:" or ".:/home/tex:". Do not forget 
to place a colon at the end (corresponding to an empty path), which 
will include all standard directories.

Alternatively, put the files in a texmf tree, for example at
texmf/tex/latex/macros/contrib/beamer and run mktexlsr.

You will also need the pgf package.

You can test whether your installation works, by trying to run pdflatex 
on the file beamerexample.tex.


I've checked my tex installation and there are a few templates but 
really I have zero idea how to install this or whatever. The texmf tree 
does not look like the one listed above.
When I get other templates they seem to work fine within the same 
folder they came in.

Any idea where these files go?

.sty and .cls (I'm assuming this is all that is needed.)


Ed Roche

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