[tex4ht] Automatic HTF file generation

Michal Hoftich michal.h21 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 11:32:39 CET 2018

> I will parse the .pfb files only when no enc is available. We will see
> how it is useful. Worse thing is large number of non-standard glyph
> names used in TeX fonts. We need to map each glyph to Unicode, it is
> not always easy to find a correct mapping.

It turned quite well, it works even for complex math and symbol fonts.
The only issue is that these fonts often use custom glyphs which I
cannot find Unicode equivalent for. For example, it works for this old
issue, which prompted me to create Htfgen in the first place:


The attached file contains literate source file for fonts required for
the DVI file used by Nasser's sample. Note that it contains huge
number of "Missing glyph" messages. These won't work until glyph to
unicode mapping is added to Htfgen.

Best regards,
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