[tex4ht] [bug #404] Using label/ref seems to be broken with opendocument export

Florian Zumkeller-Quast mail+tex4ht at branleb.de
Fri Oct 26 15:00:02 CEST 2018


                 Summary: Using label/ref seems to be broken with opendocument
                 Project: tex4ht
            Submitted by: branleb
            Submitted on: Fr 26 Okt 2018 15:55:17 EEST
                Category: None
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



When using \label{} and \ref{} (or \pageref{} in TeX, the opendocument output
seems to be broken. The referenced Label is just not rendered visibly.

I've attached a MWE and the generated .odt file.

I'm using:

htxelatex test-labelref.tex "xhtml,ooffice" "ooffice/! -cmozhtf" "-coo

to generated that file.
When running xelatex to generate a pdf file, everything works fine.

The TeX-Code line
Something about Section \ref{sec:1} and --\ref{sec:2}-- to show something else
on p.~\pageref{sec:1}.

results in 
<!--l. 22--><text:p text:style-name="Text-body">Something about Section
 href="#x1-10001">1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:1 --></t4htlink> and &#x2013;<t4htlink

 href="#x1-20002">2<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:2 --></t4htlink>&#x2013; to show
something else on p.<text:s/><t4htlink 

So, in summary, the reference is rendered, but not in the correct way. (Btw,
shouldn't it be text:reference-ref instead of t4htlink? See

If you need any further information to reproduce the behaviour, please let me


File Attachments:

Date: Fr 26 Okt 2018 15:55:17 EEST  Name: test-labelref.tex  Size: 403B   By:

Date: Fr 26 Okt 2018 15:55:17 EEST  Name: test-labelref.pdf  Size: 17kB   By:

Date: Fr 26 Okt 2018 15:55:17 EEST  Name: test-labelref.odt  Size: 8kB   By:



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