[tex4ht] using minipage in tex4ht?

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Sun Feb 23 01:41:20 CET 2014


I assume tex4ht does not support minipage? due to semantics
of what a "page" is for HTML? Just wanted to make sure.

I tried this small example, in order to place 2 items
side-by-side on a "page".  With pdflatex, the
output shows them side-by-side but the HTML shows
them on top of each others.

I can get the same effect (side-by-side) by other means,
using a table with one row and two columns and make each
item in separate column, or by using the new support added
with \begin{multicols}{2} which works well for this case

So, I am just really asking if minipage is not supposed
to work or may be I am overlooking some option I need
to configure to make this work in tex4ht.

Here is the small example:



   some text that should show up
   to the left side of the following image
   \captionof{figure}{result of the above}

htlatex foo.tex
pdflatex foo.tex

Any image foo.png is needed before running the above
to make it compile, as tex4ht did not work with
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} and an actual image is
needed to see the effect.

Using texlive 2013


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