[tex4ht] Biblatex

CV Radhakrishnan cvr at river-valley.org
Fri Jan 28 05:57:37 CET 2011

On 28/01/11 8:34 AM, David Denton wrote:
> Hello Kristian and Paul,
> Thursday, January 27, 2011, 5:57:09 PM, Kristian wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I cannot see something from the log. Did you 
>> update all your packages, especially, do you have the latest 
>> biblatex-version installed (1.1a)? If yes, I do not have further
>> ideas. Maybe someone else on this list can help?
> Although I did get the italics on your test file, I am not getting
> formatting in the html bibliographic reference actually generated
> by biblatex, just hyperlinks.
> And in order to get in to compile, I still have to press enter 
> several times when it blocks.

Sorry to say that I could not replicate your problem. I have current
TeXLive installation, biblatex.sty is 1.1a, biblatex.4ht is the one
which Kristian mentioned in his mail. The test document which Kristian
provided runs without any problems.

I think, it is more of your system specific problem and not that of
TeX4ht or its supporting packages.

> Yes, I updated Miktex 2.9 and I do have the latest biblatex 
> installed. I have no idea what to fiddle with now.

It might be helpful if you can send me off the list screenshots of
your error window when the compilation gets choked and you need to
press the enter key. That might help a lot to debug your problem.
Please send me your test file and log too.

> I realize that tex4ht is in a state of flux. There seems to be a 
> lot of development going on. Is there somewhere one can download 
> the latest stable version with the complete package? The old tex4ht
> update link no longer works and it doesn't seem wise for someone
> with my lack of knowledge to play with the development files.

TeX4ht depends on all the popular packages used in the LaTeX world. As
you are aware, all the packages get updated now and then. Since most
users are connected to internet and updating their TeX installation is
very easy now, TeX4ht has to cope up with the updated packages and
therefore, the updates of TeX4ht's component packages are also
released in tandem with updates of mainstream LaTeX packages. Strictly
speaking, TeX4ht is always in a state of flux, but that is a necessary

> If anyone thinks of any other reason why my tex4ht installation
> may be acting-up, please let me know. Thanks!

Best regards

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