[tex4ht] Missing Colors when generating HTML

Kevin Erath Mindcry2000 at gmx.de
Sun Dec 26 15:55:00 CET 2010


i'm currently trying to create a HTML-Dokument from a Latex file.
Everything works fine, except that the generated HTML-File does not contain any colors. Take a look at the following test-file:


Hello {\bf black}, {\color{red}red} and {\color{blue}blue}.

When i compile the file using "htlatex test" or alternatively using the command-sequence:
latex test
tex4ht test
t4ht test

The output html contains the text and even bold, but no colors. I tried it with the current version of miktex on windows and also with the current version on linux (ubunutu via apt-get).

Can you please tell me what i do wrong or how i can fix it? Thanks!


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