'autoinst' does not terminate

Uwe Siart usenet at siart.de
Thu Oct 24 09:47:13 CEST 2019

Dear all,

Since a couple of days (don't know the precise date) 'autoinst' does not
work correctly for me. When I run it on an OTF where it used to work
earlier it hangs and does not return to the command prompt.

This is what it looks like on my Win7 machine (LinLibertine_R.otf is in
the working dir):

| e:\try>autoinst -target=./ LinLibertine_R.otf
| [INFO]      Generating fonts ..

At this stage it hangs and I have to kill it with CTRL-c. Even the
command window does not close on 'exit' after this. I have to kill the
cmd process or click the [x] instead.

I report it here because I don't know whether it is an issue with
autoinst itself or with running perl scripts on a windows box. If this
report should better go to Marc just let me know.



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