\pdffilesize and spaces and other charcters

Christopher Rowley c.a.rowley at icloud.com
Wed Oct 23 13:21:08 CEST 2019


> On 20 Oct 2019, at 17:16, Bruno Le Floch <blflatex at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm writing this from memory of a few years back.  

Understood!  Also, I understood you to say that there are differences in the way protected macros are treated within file-name specs by different primitives, and maybe also for the same (name) primitive on different engines.  Is that corr3ct?

> It is not very important to the question at hand.

Maybe not to the spaces question, but maybe it is quite important in a more general sense?

If the handling of “tex input intended to specify a file name” may be treated differently by different “file-name processing primitives” or by the same (name) primitive in different engines then that is surely of some import.  At least these facts should be clearly established and fully documented.


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