pdftex_ndl14.map includes old roboto.map

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Aug 21 00:33:29 CEST 2019

Hi Werner,

    shows an old version of
    in fact the file rbto_idpkzy.enc is not part of roboto.tar.xz

Thanks for the report, but I'm not seing it upstream.

pdftex_ndl14.map is part of the updmap-map package in native TL.
The latest version of that package is 51762, updated July 30,
and rbto_idpkzy.enc doesn't show up there. This is the file as checked
into TL that I'm looking at

tug$ pwd
tug$ ls -l pdftex_ndl14.map
-rw-r--r-- 1 karl root 4636605 Jul 28 01:53 pdftex_ndl14.map
tug$ sum pdftex_ndl14.map
36924  4528
tug$ grep rbto_idpkzy.enc pdftex_ndl14.map

I looked at the updmap-map.tar.xz currently in tlnet/archive, and it has
the same file.

I surmise something in the TL -> SuSE updating did not happen correctly?
Let me know if something's more to check on my side ... --best, karl.

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