[tex-live] LaTeX suddenly stopped working (loop/memory leak?)
Urs Liska
lists at openlilylib.org
Sat Jun 30 09:22:13 CEST 2018
yesterday my texlive installation (texlive-full on Debian Testing)
stopped working all of a sudden. Unfortunately my day was so
frustratingly fragmented that I can't recall what events immediately
preceded the problem. There were a few things happening yesterday, but
I'm not sure if they're related:
* I had a major package update with apt (I'll copy the respective
changes at the end of this message) but I'm 98% sure that this was
hours before texlive stopped working.
* Atom wreaked havoc eating up *all* memory including swap, freezing
my computer. After I removed it and installed the latest version
this seemed to have been fixed, though
* At one point I was surprised that I had to log in after a break,
when I *think* I only set the computer to standby.
So at one point my .tex documents weren't compiled anymore, with xxTeX
seemingly hanging. First I thought it had to do with issues in my files,
but the MWE behaves exactly the same:
I tested this by invoking a ..tex while watching with htop.
$ latex loop.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018/Debian) (preloaded format=latex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 4
Babel <3.20> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded.
$ lualatex loop.tex
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/Debian)
restricted system commands enabled.
In both cases there is no further output on the console. The
corresponding "latex" or "lualatex" permanently process consumes 100% of
one CPU core, and memory continuously rises by ~ 6MB/sec - it looks like
it would do so until there is no memory left. I canceled this after 1/2 GB.
When I stop the compilation with Ctrl-Z (message: "killed") the process
stays alive, keeping all the memory it had at the end, but CPU dropping
to zero. I can't kill the process with SIGTERM, only after a SIGKILL it
Is there any way I can proceed investigating what could have gotten
wrong here?
PS: After describing this process I have the impression that Atom wasn't
at fault at all but that this already was LaTeX giving problems. So
maybe the memory leak was already there while I still could compile .tex
PPS: Here are the related changes in the apt upgrade from yesterday (as
recorded by etckeeper):
$ sudo git log -n 1 | grep tex
-fonts-texgyre 20160520-1 all
+fonts-texgyre 20180621-1 all
-ktexteditor-data 5.45.0-1 all
-ktexteditor-katepart 5.45.0-1 amd64
+ktexteditor-data 5.46.0-1 all
+ktexteditor-katepart 5.46.0-1 amd64
-latexmk 1:4.41-1 all
+latexmk 1:4.56-0.1 all
-libkf5texteditor-bin 5.45.0-1 amd64
-libkf5texteditor5 5.45.0-1 amd64
-libkf5textwidgets-data 5.45.0-2 all
-libkf5textwidgets5 5.45.0-2 amd64
+libkf5texteditor-bin 5.46.0-1 amd64
+libkf5texteditor5 5.46.0-1 amd64
+libkf5textwidgets-data 5.46.0-1 all
+libkf5textwidgets5 5.46.0-1 amd64
-libptexenc1 2018.20180416.47457-3+b1 amd64
+libptexenc1 2018.20180416.47457-4 amd64
-libsynctex2 2018.20180416.47457-3+b1 amd64
+libsynctex2 2018.20180416.47457-4 amd64
-libtexlua52 2018.20180416.47457-3+b1 amd64
-libtexlua53 2018.20180416.47457-3+b1 amd64
-libtexluajit2 2018.20180416.47457-3+b1 amd64
+libtexlua52 2018.20180416.47457-4 amd64
+libtexlua53 2018.20180416.47457-4 amd64
+libtexluajit2 2018.20180416.47457-4 amd64
-tex-gyre 20160520-1 all
+tex-gyre 20180621-1 all
-texinfo 6.5.0.dfsg.1-2+b1 amd64
+texinfo 6.5.0.dfsg.1-3 amd64
-texlive-binaries 2018.20180416.47457-3+b1 amd64
+texlive-binaries 2018.20180416.47457-4 amd64
-texstudio 2.12.8+debian-1 amd64
-texstudio-doc 2.12.8+debian-1 all
-texstudio-l10n 2.12.8+debian-1 all
+texstudio 2.12.8+debian-2 amd64
+texstudio-doc 2.12.8+debian-2 all
+texstudio-l10n 2.12.8+debian-2 all
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