[tex-live] mvorigin option in (x)dvipdfmx

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 00:45:44 CET 2017

On 27 February 2017 at 22:42, Akira Kakuto <kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp> wrote:

> require, the default XeTeX driver option may be changed from
> const char *outputdriver = "xdvipdfmx -q -E";
> to
> const char *outputdriver = "xdvipdfmx --mvorigin -q -E";
> Best,
> Akira

Sure, and I'm tempted to push for that to be the default, but before I
push for that
I'm trying to see what the negative effects of that would be.

consider for example the eps file in the stackexchange question at the
start of this thread,
and the same file renamed to .mps

%\let\Ginclude at mps\Ginclude at eps





does not work with either the default or with passing mvorigin, one or
other image is misplaced
but if the \let is uncommented to that mps and eps are treated the
same way and mvoption
is passed then both images work,

So currently I see no reason not to change xetex,def to do exactly
that, and always use mvorigin
but I don't think you would have added this option for no reason so I
think I'm missing something,
and there is some case where not doing mvorigin would be better.
So I'm not confident enough I understand the issue to make any changes
to xetex.def, but
i don't think the current default behaviour is really right.


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