[tex-live] kpathsea: adding import library on Windows (and if possible header files too)

Vincent Torri vincent.torri at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 06:57:49 CEST 2016


Would it be possible to add the import library for kpathsea on
Windows, when creating the DLL ?

if gcc is used, then it is easy. The function are already declared
with the dllexport storage class attribute, so when creating the DLL,
you can do something like that in the make rule:

    $(CC) -shared -Wl,--out-implib,$(IMPLIB) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS)
    $(STRIP) $@

usually, the name of the import library, stored in $(IMPLIB), is
libkpathsea.dll.a with gcc and is installed in a lib/ subdirectory.

Here, TeX Live is a bit different from what is commonly used in other
projects : the  binaries are not in a bin/ subdir but in bin/win32/.
If you follow the same scheme, the import library would be installed
in lib/win32/

Changing this to win32/bin and win32/lib would be a bit more what is
commonly used.

Anyway, in whatever directory you install the files, it would be nice
to have such import library on Windows

thank you

Vincent Torri

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