[tex-live] rsync?

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Wed Apr 20 19:01:53 CEST 2016

 >|I use generally
 >|rsync -av --delete --exclude="mactex*" --
 >|ftp.cstug.cz::pub/tex/local/tlpretest/ ~/Downloads/TLmirror/
 >|where the last repertory should be customized with  your local target
 >|attention to the -- which ends the option list
 >|and to the final / in ftp.cstug.cz::pub/tex/local/tlpretest/ which has
 >|the effet that sub-repertories are synced, not tlpretest itself, which
 >|on my machine I call TLmirror rather

Neither https://www.tug.org/texlive/pretest.html nor man rsync suggests
that -- is necessary after the options.  I finally got

rsync -a --delete --exclude="mactex*" rsync://ftp.cstug.cz/pub/tex/local/tlpretest/  ..

to work (though I'm not in Europe).  The source paths for rsync at


do *not* end with /.   

 >|the above is with european mirror, here is with the other rsync
 >|possibility listed at http://tug.org/texlive/mirmon/
 >|rsync -av --delete --exclude="mactex*" --
 >|ftp.math.utah.edu::texlive/tlpretest/  /FOO/MIRROR/

rsync -a --delete --exclude="mactex*" rsync://ftp.math.utah.edu::texlive/tlpretest/  ..

does *not* work for me.  


 >|Also, perhaps you should update rsync. There has been some security
 >|update a few months ago.

My rsync is the latest available for Centos7.

Bob T.

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