[tex-live] German pattern issues (was: packages updated)
Stephan Hennig
mailing_list at arcor.de
Sat Jun 28 01:00:10 CEST 2014
Am 27.06.2014 03:16, schrieb Karl Berry:
> As of tonight's build, I believe I've caught up with the pending updates
> from the time of the freeze. Let me know about any discrepancies.
Thanks! Two small issues:
Grepping through language.dat for experimental German patterns
$ grep german-x `kpsewhich language.dat`
german-x-2013-05-26 dehypht-x-2014-05-21.tex
ngerman-x-2014-05-21 dehyphn-x-2014-05-21.tex
the first language identifier has an unexpected date. That line should
better read
german-x-2014-05-21 dehypht-x-2014-05-21.tex
Second, grepping through German patterns in package hyph-utf8
$ grep dehyph `kpsewhich hyph-de-1901.lic.txt`
% dehypht-x-2013-05-26.pat
\message{German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography)
`dehypht-x' 2013-
05-26 (WL)}
it looks like TL's hyph-utf8 doesn't have the new patterns yet. Whereas
I thought Mojca already picked-up the new patterns weeks ago.
Best regards,
Stephan Hennig
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