[tex-live] So far.....expensive failure

Denis Bitouzé dbitouze at wanadoo.fr
Thu Feb 14 07:31:08 CET 2013

Le jeudi 14/02/13 à 00h40,
Reinhard Kotucha <reinhard.kotucha at web.de> a écrit :

>  The point is that nobody needs the ISO image.

I don't agree: I often give LaTeX courses in my University to
simultaneously at least 20 students and I couldn't reasonably let them
install TL through the network installer. Indeed:

  * the network of our University couldn't support such a big download
    simultaneously (and other users would be irate),

  * this would cause much more traffic than downloading the TL ISO once
    and providing it through either USB sticks.

When the French TUG provides me the TL DVD (free of charge: many thanks
to him!), I procure it but I still provide the ISO file for students who
own a Netbook without any DVD drive.

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