[tex-live] So far.....expensive failure

Andreas Hirsch cursus.publicus at sacrumromanumimperium.org
Wed Feb 13 20:03:21 CET 2013

Hi Martin,

quoting martin reynolds, [2013-02-13 16:26]:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> I recently downloaded Texlive 2012-20120701; a huge 2.2GB file. When I
> double-clicked on the icon it wanted to burn a CD. I searched around on the
> internet and MagicISO was recommended. This I bought for £24.98. I just
> can't figure out how this is supposed to work.

Did you try to start the installation from the DVD you created?

> When I tried to open ReadMe
> on html I got a screen which said the information wasn't available. Since
> then I have tried to open .pm files with EditPlus 3. Everything seems to be
> working as it should. How on earth do I get to a situation where I can use
> Texlive?

I recommend to use the netinstaller:


'Der Sinn des Lebens besteht darin,
 dass es keinen Sinn hat zu sagen,
 dass das Leben keinen Sinn hat'
	Niels Henrik David Bohr (1885-1962)

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