[tex-live] dvipdfmx: pk vs. pfb
Bob Tennent
rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Tue Dec 31 16:29:11 CET 2013
I've found that if I create a map file in the format expected by
dvipdfmx and use the -f option, pfbs are used rather than pks. Why
the same dvipdfmx on different systems can read the same psfonts.map
lines and react differently is still a mystery.
Here is an apparently problematical psfonts.map line:
t1-stixgeneral STIXGeneral-Regular " stixt1 ReEncodeFont " <stix-t1.enc <STIXGeneral-Regular.pfb
whereas the following works in a dvipdfm map file:
t1-stixgeneral stix-t1 STIXGeneral-Regular.pfb
Bob T.
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