[tex-live] getnonfreefonts doesn't work with pretest

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Wed Apr 17 00:36:52 CEST 2013

On 2013-04-16 at 10:03:26 +0200, Markus Kohm wrote:

 > > Reinhard, what's wrong?
 > install-getnonfreefonts uses
 > texdir=kpse.var_value('SELFAUTOPARENT')
 > bindir=kpse.var_value('SELFAUTODIR')
 > exedir=kpse.var_value('SELFAUTOLOC')
 > texmflocal=kpse.var_value('TEXMFLOCAL')
 > scriptdir=texdir .. '/texmf/scripts'
 > instdir=texdir .. '/texmf/scripts/getnonfreefonts'
 > mandir=texdir .. '/texmf/doc/man/man1'
 > docdir=texmflocal .. '/doc/man/man1'
 > but $SELFAUTOPARENT../texmf doesn't exist any longer. install-getnonfreefonts 
 > should use, e.g.
 > scriptdir=kpse.var_value('TEXMFMAIN') .. '/scripts'
 > etc. That should (AFAIK) work with TeX Live < 2013 and TeX Live 2013. With TeX 
 > Live 2013 also
 > scriptdir=kpse.var_value('TEXMFDIST') .. '/scripts'
 > etc. should work.

Hi Markus,
thank you very much for your investigations, it saved me a lot of

However, in order to support older versions of TeX Live too, the new
version of the installer now simply checks whether texmf exists and
uses texmf-dist otherwise.  I don't want to rely on kpathsea variables
because in TL-2013 both, TEXMFMAIN and TEXMFDIST point to the same
directory and I suppose that former or later one of them will be
removed but I don't know which one.

Thus checking whether $SELFAUTOPARENT/texmf exists seems to be more
reliable ATM.


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                              mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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