[tex-live] texdoc for libertine

Denis Bitouzé dbitouze at wanadoo.fr
Thu Nov 29 21:34:11 CET 2012

Le jeudi 29/11/12 à 12h42,
Bob Tennent <rdt at cs.queensu.ca> a écrit :

> Yes, but try it now with pdflatex :+)

But if I'm right, keyboard character macro work only with the otf fonts
so it is not surprising they aren't available with pdflatex. That was
anyway the case for the obsolete libertineotf.sty.

> Here are some of the issues I think have to be taken into account with
> additional "features":
>  + can the feature be implemented for use with latex -> dvips and
>    pdflatex as well as xelatex and lualatex?

If I'm right above, the answer is definitively no. 

>  + will the feature still be implementable if the upstream fonts
> change or disappear, as the outline and shadow fonts have?

This shouldn't refrain from providing the features as long as the
upstream fonts provide them.

> I've already violated the first principle by providing two of the
> Glyph commands (not usable with (pdf)latex), and I suppose that is a
> precedent for going further, but if a compatible (pdf)latex
> implementation were possible that would be better.

I agree.

> At this point I have no idea what autoinst would do with the Keyboard
> or Mono fonts.

Unfortunately, I can't help here.

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