[tex-live] dvips from texlive2012 messes up with postscript figure

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed Nov 21 15:03:18 CET 2012

Am Mon, 19 Nov 2012 16:34:02 +0000 schrieb Nicola Caon:

> Hi,
> I have a problem with dvips processing a dvi file generated with latex and
> including a postscript figure.
> When I use dvips from texlive-2012, the figure in the output postscript
> file misses part of the axis labels and labels inside the plot.

> I can't understand why the output of the latest dvips is this weird.

Your graphic uses fonts and your main document uses fonts. And when
you put both together in a document dvips has to merge this font
informations and sometimes things go wrong. 

Your graphics (which is not a correct eps) doesn't embed the fonts
it uses. 

In 2011 dvips didn't embed the standard fonts too. 

But this has changed in 2012. Now dvips does (partially) embed the
standard fonts in the main file but misses some chars needed by the

dvips also gives you are warning:
dvips: Font Helvetica used in file plot_dY_SpT_zmh.ps is not in the
mapping file.
dvips: Font Symbol used in file plot_dY_SpT_zmh.ps is not in the
mapping file.

You can try 
   dvips -j0 example.dvi

This will completly embed the fonts. 

Or you can try
   dvips -Pbuiltin35 example.dvi

This will no longer embed the nimbus fonts (at least on miktex, I'm
not sure if texlive uses the same name.)

Or you could regenerate your plot and embed the fonts.

Ulrike Fischer 

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