[tex-live] TL on windows - mashine dependent parts

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Tue Nov 13 10:26:52 CET 2012

Hi TL'ers

For a while I've been wondering about the idea of making a TL install for Windows in a similar fashion as MacTeX. That is, install TL on one windows computer (in the standard location), zip it, move it to another windows, unzip it in the same location, and run some scripts to integrate it into the new Windows.

Now I'm wondering a bit about parts of a TL installation on Windows, that are specific to that Windows computer.

Is there more than the font cache to worry about? I was thing about deleting the font cache and rebuilding it on the receiving computer.

NB: we are talking non specialized installations here. As if one had started the advanced installer and just hit 'Install' without changing any of the defaults.

/Lars Madsen
Institut for Matematik / Department of Mathematics
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
Mere info: http://au.dk/daleif@imf / More information: http://au.dk/en/daleif@imf

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