[tex-live] margins disappear in one distribution, not in another

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 23:01:22 CEST 2011

2011/10/23 Ulrike Fischer <news3 at nililand.de>:
> Am Fri, 21 Oct 2011 11:14:32 +0200 schrieb Gunther Jansen:
> ...
> Without knowlegde of your versions (e.g. through the log-files) and
> the actual pdf-files difficult to say (I'm not sure I did understand
> your problem). In a modern tex system graphicx/pdftex.def would set
> the page size correctly to a4paper but in older systems it depends
> on your local configuration.
Yes, pdftex.def will set it but it is not loaded by the class files.
The LaTeX class files do not contain any driver/engine dependencies.
The paper size is properly set by packages geometry and zwpagelayout.
At least the latter can detect in majority of cases the proper driver
automatically. I have sent you 3 lines. Iy you put them just after
\begin{document}, they will write to the screen and log the settings
of the paper size.
> --
> Ulrike Fischer

Zdeněk Wagner

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