[tex-live] include directories to search for additonalfileslike *.bib *.sty, etc.

Thomas Jung thomas.jung at public-files.de
Mon May 10 22:43:24 CEST 2010


>>> set TEXINPUTS=sty:
>>> set BIBINPUTS=bib:
>>> [...]
>> set BIBINPUTS=.;bib
>> set TEXINPUTS=.;tex\sty
> [...]
> note, this is _not_ what karl recommended.
> [...]
>> then bibtex find my bib data but latex doesn't find the class book.cls
>> ???
>> Strange. Isn't it?
> not at all.  your .;bib is a complete path, as is .;tex\sty
> given a complete path, the program will use just that, whereas you want
> it to use its built-in values *as* *well* *as* what you've told it.
> this is what the trailing ";" in karl's suggestion was about: so you
> want

argh ;-)
Ok, I see. Great. Now it's working and running fine.
Thank you to all who gave me a reply.

But had to install two packages by myself. "floatflt" and "colortab".
This is no problem for me, but was wondering because everybody
said to me tex-live is the most complete distribution.
Is there a reason why this two packages are not in the "main" tree?
Btw: In MiKTeX these packages are in the "main" tree.

Anyway its working and seems to be much faster than MiKTeX

Finally I have an additional question about kpathsea
Is there a way to supress the message:


kpathsea: Running mktextex document.out

The command name is C:\texlive\2009\bin\win32\mktextex


I have to run latex and bibtex several times to build my document
and I redirect stdout of the most commands (except the last latex)
to the null device, but this message ist upcouming and disturbs me
a little, because it comes up over 12 or more times.


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