[tex-live] removing belleek from TeXLive

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Tue Aug 10 15:16:39 CEST 2010


> Although I can understand why you make that last statement,
> Manuel, I am not convinced that it is true.  Seamonkey (for
> example) has an extremely large number of options, some
> of them available only through an "Advanced" button, yet
> it seems to be usable without difficulty by a large number
> of people on multiple platforms.

Everyone is free to provide improved guis for tlmgr. It is in fact quite easy as the gui simply calls the action subs, so hacking a new gui is easy, so why *nobody* steps forward to do it?

I would even offer the actual implementation if someone can send be detailed drawings of the Gui and all its windows/dialogs etc ....

So please ui-designers step forward!


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