[tex-live] ovp2ovf with VPL input

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Sep 15 01:07:05 CEST 2009

Hi Lars,

    So, is this program just plain broken or what?

I don't know.  Perhaps the documentation is wrong when it says it works
with the original VPL files, and it only works with the Omega VPL's.
I've never looked into the actual differences between original VPL and OVP.

    Moreover, the manpage refers to omega at ens.fr and 
    http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/omega/, which are probably not helpful. 

There is no web site any more that I know of, but there is a mailing
list omega at tug.org, which Yannis et al. are on.  Could you write there
and ask for advice about the situation?  And/or look up the ovp2ovf
sources and see if anything jumps out?

Sorry I can't do more right now.


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