[tex-live] packages with characters > 127

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Mon Dec 28 10:52:29 CET 2009


I've detected and sorted the packages in TeX Live 2009 that contain 
8-bit characters > 127 (and thus cannot be used directly by LuaTeX nor 
XeTeX). I'll have to deal with most of them one by one with the author, 
but some of the problems can be dealt directly in TeX Live, with the 
same change in ctan2tds as for etextools.

The files that can have the exact same treatment as etextools.sty are:
 - lcd.sty from lcd.dtx
 - delimtxt.sty from delimtxt.dtx
 - thumb.sty from thumb.dtx
 - accenti.sty from accenti.dtx
 - nomentbl.sty from nomentbl.dtx

One has a slightly different case: the .sty is generated from the .dtx 
but is also present on the CTAN... can it be adapted directly without 
any change on the CTAN? If not, can the CTAN delete it directly or 
should the author (in copy of this mail) be asked? The file is 
clefval.sty from clefval.dtx.

Finally some packages (mostly by the same author) have a more tricky 
case: they can only be generated with LaTeX. For these packages, the 
question is: can LaTeX have the same behaviour as TeX for output files? 
If yes, can ctan2tds be changed to make it happen? The packages are:
 - engpron.sty from engpron.dtx (the .sty file should also be removed 
from the CTAN)
 - silence.sty from silence-doc.dtx (idem for the .sty file)
 - paresse.sty from paresse.dtx (idem for the .sty file)
 - fvrb-ex.sty, hbaw.sty and hcolor.sty from fvrb-ex.dtx

The final question: is it useful to ask the authors of packages with 
some 8-bit characters in the comments to change them? I don't think so 
but there are certainly some TeX uses that I don't know about...

I have also found a strange packages with 8-bit characters that have no 
license nor author: verbatim.tex.

For information, the list of files with which I'll have to deal with the 
author is:
 - mattens.sty
 - easylist.sty
 - dlfltxbmarkupbookkeys.sty
 - mynormal.sty
 - coptic.sty
 - mceinleger.sty
 - akkmathtext.sty, akkgermanabbreviations.sty, akkmathproof.sty
 - hypdvips.sty
 - blindtext.sty
 - examplep.sty
 - fr_rs.sty and fr_rs.tex
 - mafr.sty
 - Sw2Rus.sty
 - pauldoc.sty

The packages for which I'm not sure I can do something are:
 - ipalmacs.sty
 - numerus.sty

The packages with comments in 8-bit are:
 - 1250-il2.tex, line 22: ^^ed
 - il2-kam.tex, line 58: ^^ed
 - kam-il2.tex, line 58: ^^ed
 - il2-1250.tex, line 22: ^^ed
 - 852-il2.tex, line 58: ^^ed
 - il2-852.tex, line 58: ^^ed
 - utf8warn.tex, line 21: ^^e2
 - pst-map3dII.tex, line 39: ^^e9
 - pst-map2d.tex, line 41: ^^e9
 - pst-map2dII.tex, line 40: ^^e9
 - pst-map3d.tex, line 44: ^^e9
 - pst-stru.tex, line 48: ^^f4
 - pst-coxcoor.tex, line 9: ^^a9
 - pst-coxeterp.tex, line 9: ^^a9
 - pst-vue3d.tex, line 35: ^^e9
 - pst-infixplot.tex, line 8: ^^f4
 - infix-RPN.tex, line 9: ^^f4
 - pst-diffraction.tex, line 81: ^^e8
 - pst-optic.tex, line 929: ^^e8
 - dehyphn.tex, line 1030: ^^94
 - dehyphtex.tex, line 3: ^^fc
 - picmore.tex, line 9: ^^81
 - pst-osci.tex, line 18: ^^e9
 - kalender.sty, line 7: ^^94
 - a0size.sty, line 10: ^^a0
 - jneurosci.sty, line 28: ^^fc
 - metalogo.sty, line 11: ^^c2
 - quoted.sty, line 1: ^^c5
 - onedash.sty, line 1: ^^c5
 - dlfltxbmarkup.sty, line 246: ^^e6
 - dlfltxbcodetips.sty, line 69: ^^f4
 - dlfltxbmisc.sty, line 87: ^^f8
 - ltxnew.sty, line 95: ^^a7
 - dtklogos.sty, line 246: ^^e4
 - schemabloc.sty, line 9: ^^e9
 - extpfeil.sty, line 17: ^^e4
 - mynormal.sty, line 42: ^^81
 - mypatches.sty, line 21: ^^e9
 - stdpage.sty, line 54: ^^e4
 - texilikecover.sty, line 2: ^^f5
 - euclide.sty, line 61: ^^e9
 - pgf-soroban.sty, line 25: ^^e9
 - uebungsblatt.sty, line 27: ^^e4
 - commath.sty, line 6: ^^f6
 - smalltableof.sty, line 5: ^^a9
 - boites.sty, line 6: ^^e0
 - boites_exemples.sty, line 9: ^^e8
 - anyfontsize.sty, line 3: ^^e9
 - frenchle.sty, line 20: ^^e9
 - modroman.sty, line 12: ^^ab
 - pst-calendar.sty, line 21: ^^e9
 - skull.sty, line 8: ^^f8
 - shrthand.sty, line 24: ^^f8
 - infernce.sty, line 24: ^^f8
 - ligature.sty, line 24: ^^f8
 - tdiagram.sty, line 24: ^^f8
 - reserved.sty, line 24: ^^f8
 - semantic.sty, line 24: ^^f8
 - randbild.sty, line 19: ^^f6
 - uhrzeit.sty, line 9: ^^f6
 - endnotes.sty, line 79: ^^bb
 - hypernat.sty, line 22: ^^fc
 - minimum.sty, line 7: ^^e0
 - tableau.sty, line 25: ^^e9
 - psfragx.sty, line 13: ^^b4
 - anttor.sty, line 35: ^^b1
 - pst-coxeterp.sty, line 9: ^^a9
 - pst-coxcoor.sty, line 9: ^^a9
 - timing.sty, line 15: ^^84
 - drac.sty, line 12: ^^ab
 - subfig.sty, line 9: ^^a9
 - tkz-tab.sty, line 23: ^^c3
 - engrec.sty, line 11: ^^ab
 - polynomial.sty, line 9: ^^f6
 - forarray.sty, line 16: ^^f6
 - dot2texi.sty, line 57: ^^c3
 - contour.sty, line 11: ^^f8
 - mceinleger.sty, line 1: ^^fc
 - mpgmpar.sty, line 19: ^^f6
 - minipage-marginpar.sty, line 19: ^^f6
 - dcpic.sty, line 277: ^^e3
 - technics.sty, line 20: ^^e5
 - nowtoaux.sty, line 9: ^^fc
 - volumes.sty, line 9: ^^fc
 - iwona.sty, line 27: ^^b1
 - tdsfrmath.sty, line 11: ^^ab
 - qsymbols.sty, line 4: ^^a9
 - latex2man.sty, line 4: ^^fc
 - codep.sty, line 12: ^^e9
 - examplep.sty, line 1883: ^^e1
 - robustcommand.sty, line 17: ^^fc
 - isomath.sty, line 4: ^^c2
 - mafr.sty, line 1: ^^e9
 - gmutils.sty, line 14: ^^e2
 - Sw2Rus.sty, line 16: ^^c0
 - enumitem.sty, line 275: ^^c2
 - etextools.sty, line 40: ^^a7
 - dateiliste.sty, line 19: ^^f6
 - inlinebib.sty, line 1: ^^e9
 - pageranges.sty, line 1: ^^e9
 - noitcrul.sty, line 18: ^^f6
 - tengwarscript.sty, line 8: ^^e1
 - gmdoc.sty, line 225: ^^e2
 - numerus.sty, line 8: ^^d1
 - ipalmacs.sty, line 109: ^^b
 - draftcopy.sty, line 261: ^^d6
 - amsaddr.sty, line 9: ^^e9
 - wiki.sty, line 2: ^^81
 - CoverPage.sty, line 12: ^^fc
 - pauldoc.sty, line 17: ^^fc
 - tablor-xetex.sty, line 31: ^^81
 - tablor.sty, line 30: ^^81
 - rcs.sty, line 909: ^^df
 - ctibmantra.sty, line 2: ^^e4
 - faktor.sty, line 16: ^^e4
 - kurier.sty, line 27: ^^b1
 - pdficwebmac.tex, line 17: ^^f2
 - esint.tex, line 9: ^^e9

Thank you,

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