[tex-live] Trying to maintain updated TL installation on Cygwin

Angelo Graziosi angelo.graziosi at alice.it
Tue Oct 14 01:08:05 CEST 2008

Periodically I do an svn update of the source directory
(/trunk/Build/source) and build the binaries on Cygwin.

Then I do an rsync of tlnet/2008 from dante.de ftp into /tmp/texlive.

I install (at hand) the binaries (bin) in /usr/local/texlive/2008.

So I can install TL with

/tmp/texlive/2008/install-tl/install-tl -location /tmp/texlive/2008

without choosing any binary platform and accepting the defaults

And all this works...

The problems arise trying to maintain updated the installation using

tlmgr -location /tmp/texlive/2008 update -list
tlmgr -location /tmp/texlive/2008 update -all

mainly when some bin package should be updated.

For example, in the last updating, the command

tlmgr -location /tmp/texlive/2008 update -all

gives some failure (tar: Permission denied) unpacking
bin-texlive.tar.lzma for tlmgr.pl and this file was lost in the

I think this happens because Cygwin isn't yet in the distro.

Waiting for this in an official manner...

how can I add Cygwin in my local repository, /tmp/texlive/2008?

i.e. How can I create package like bin-*.i386-cigwin etc., so that I
can install TL without the above 'heavy' procedure but simply with:

/tmp/texlive/2008/install-tl/install-tl -location /tmp/texlive/2008 ?

Is there some place in which this is explained?


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