[tex-live] Install Texlive 2008 "The Pirate Bay" website --- uncompressed

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Thu Oct 9 01:33:17 CEST 2008

Martin Schröder <martin at oneiros.de> wrote:

> 2008/10/8 Reinhard Kotucha <reinhard.kotucha at web.de>:
> > Isn't this exactly what we need?  And nothing else?
> Yes, but: Do you want to fund and maintain a server without traffic limits?
> DANTE's and TUG's servers have traffic limits. Serving 2G isos will
> exaust them very fast.

at present, my department is doing just that.  it costs us, directly,
from our budget -- the cost of the connection for the university is
shared out between departments pro rata to their amount of traffic.

yesterday, for the first time, cambridge's ftp transfers totalled more
than 100gbytes in 24 hours.  a quick glance revealed that *one* of the
clients was in a cambridge college (so not accountable, for us).

i've discussed this with my manager, and he has decided not to do
anything ... for the present (we're all very busy), but traffic shaping
is going to come, if the traffic levels remain as high as they are just

the other point reinhard misses is that he's in a relatively privileged
position: able to use wget (and friends) and to pull rather quickly.
for a significant part of our user base, this simply isn't possible:
i've friends who save money by having a traffic-limited home connection
-- loading a 2gb image just isn't in their game plan, and there are
still -- gasp -- those who use dial-up or isdn connections.


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