[tex-live] Install Texlive 2008 "The Pirate Bay" website --- uncompressed

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Wed Oct 8 10:22:58 CEST 2008

On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 01:38:17AM +0200, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
>     Does one wants to have a free piece of software like TeXlive to be
>     associated with pornographic material?

Clearly no, because it is problematic and illegal for minors and so 
discriminate against minors to be able to get texlive. However if it is
really pornographic material (at least in most countries) there should
be a opt-in screen asking whether one want to continue or not. Agreed
some ads don't follow that, and it is ok for me to avoid those. However
if the site abides to the opt-in screen (and other technical measures 
for child protection), I can't see what's the issue. 

If there is an evidence that the torrent repels more people than it attracts 
because of these ads, which may be the case, but deserves looking at 
some measures, avoiding those ads could also be conceived as an 
improvement of the market share of texlive. Also if it hurts the texlive 
brand, but here also there should be some evidence, in my opinion,
avoiding those ads makes sense.

And lastly TeXLive people may don't like pornographic ads and prefer
other ads, but then it is censorship (something they can favor, I just
find it odd, I thought that people in free software were also in favor
of free speech, any kind of speech, but that's just my opinion).


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