[tex-live] Build fails on Solaris 10

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Jun 9 18:51:34 CEST 2008

    None of the directories listed above is
    /export/xtp/texlive/2008/texmf/web2c where texmf.cnf actually is,
    and it is correctly found by everything else.

And what is it that is failing?  Just the tex binary?  That doesn't make
sense.  Did the build succeed smoothly?

    >     /export/xtp/texlive/2008/texmf/scripts/texlive:

All those /scripts/ entries don't look normal to me, either.

About all I can suggest is to remove kpathsea/paths.h and *.lo in your
build directory and rerun the make.  (Or just do the whole thing from
scratch.)  The DEFAULT_TEXMFCNF definition in paths.h should refer to
  tex --kpathsea-debug=-1 null.tex \\end 
should point the way to whatever is causing the problem.  Assuming it
still happens. 


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