[tex-live] pdftex ambiguous entry for `ecbm1440': font file present but not included

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Fri Jan 18 09:22:19 CET 2008

On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 12:31:54AM +0000, Robin Fairbairns wrote:
> i presume you're talking about the fedora 8 beta port of tex live,
> that's now on its way in fedora 9?

It is in f9 proper but in a separate repository for f8.

> it's _not_ a tex live issue: i corrected it by providing myself with the
> correct map file from the tex live disc.

I disagree. I understand that it is solved by providing the correct map,
but when there is only the dvipdfm map installed I think that things
should not break. And I don't understand what should be corrected. Is it
that dvipdfm map should not be shipped appart from pdftex maps, or is it
an issue in updmap? In any case it is not completely clear to me that 
it is fedora only issue. One should be able to install a subset of 
texlive-texmf and have everything functionning.
> if so, this is a failure to rectify something i reported to the thread
> on the redhat bugs system rather early on.  they had reported the bug
> resolved, i thought.

Yes, at that time I didn't understood the issue at all... Now I
understand better.

> would you post an issue on the redhat bugreport site, please?

This is already reported in

But still this is not fedora specific in my opinion, the texlive tools
and bundling (maybe CTAN?) shouldn't leave such a situation happen.
I may be wrong, but in that case there could be some documentation
somewhere explaining the issue. Maybe it exists and I missed it.


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