[tex-live] ctan2tds.pl stuff

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Oct 2 23:25:52 CEST 2007

    I have made some fixes to ctan2tds.pl: The $Foundry wasn't set in
    &runfonts; which made the fonts ae fonts installed into a missing
    "public". I hope this didn't break anything.

I don't understand, it always seemed to work for me, but sounds fine.

    I think following the Catalogue is a better idea, 

Definitely.  Thanks.

    (tlpkginfo, ctan2tds.pl, maybe some more) 


    which are necessary for this updating business to Master/tlpkg/bin?

Sure.  The scripts will require a tiny bit of adjusting when they get
moved, since they self-locate things, and I just haven't had the
fortitude to take care of them all yet.  Ultimately I think Build/tools
and Build/cdbuild should disappear entirely, either into the attic or
tlpkg/bin, as appropriate.  Doing all that cleanup is again something I
just haven't felt like dealing with.  If you want to, feel free :).


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