[tex-live] antomega [was: Multilingual LaTeX: Greek, English,
and UTF-8]
Staszek Wawrykiewicz
staw at gust.org.pl
Wed Sep 14 04:52:45 CEST 2005
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005, Alexej Kryukov wrote:
> Again, unfortunately, currently you can't use omega out of box (e. g.
> after installing teTeX or TL), because omega's texmf part is broken for
> a long time, and developers aren't interested in fixing it. My antomega
> package is an attempt to correct this situation by providing a working
> multilingual support tool (similar to Babel, but oriented especially to
> Omega/Lambda).
Hmmm... The main problem is that omega, lambda, and even antomega still
haven't good and *exact* specification. As for distributions like teTeX or
TL we had always problems which files belong to the separate and well
distingushed packages, which files were borowed and/or changed from each
other, etc. We tried our best to clean that mess and this problem was
often reported on that list (but without special reaction). Anyway, I'm so
glad that (at least) antomega is still alive and I believe that with
your help, Alexej, we will find any good consent.
> You can find more information about it in antomega manual
> (available on CTAN at
> systems/omega/contrib/antomega/doc/omega/antomega/antomega.pdf).
As I see, this document is somehow outdated in regard of the thread
already discussed here [Omega and the recent changes in TDS], so perhaps
it would be fine to adapt it to (some) conclussions taken. It is not clear
difference between lambda and lambda+antomega (e.g. the later uses
specific hyphen.cfg; if so, we need separate command/link to invoke
antomega). Can antomega be run with aleph (lamed), which is considered as
runable and enough (as the users say) stable omega based engine?
There are much more such questions... Unfortunatelly, we have so weak
input from people using such tools.
Please also have in mind that all distributions, like teTeX, TL, MiKTeX,
consist of hundreds of packages, so without good specification very few
people involved in preparation of those distributions are somehow lost.
Best wishes,
Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl
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