[tex-live] no more package updates

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Tue Nov 1 12:11:01 CET 2005

Karl Berry :

> I don't plan to make any more package updates for TL 2005 (didn't make
> any today, either), and am rebuilding the images now.

Regarding the custom-bib problem, there were actually a newer version of 
norsk.mbs on CTAN (dated 2005-06-03), for some reason that one didn't make 
it into TL.

Patrick Daly just informed me that he will upload a new version of 
custom-bib, including the correct norsk.mbs (already on CTAN), the correct 
dansk.mbs (which you have already fixed in TL) and a new version of 

I don't know if it's too later to include them.


``You cannot help men permanently by doing for them 
what they could and should do for themselves. ''
  -- Abraham Lincoln

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