[tex-live] Re: Debian packages of stuff also in TeX live

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Thu Jul 21 21:02:00 CEST 2005

Hi Sebastian!

On Don, 21 Jul 2005, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> >I want to ask you about one thing: Did we decide that the *Debian*
> >packages of TeX live should *not* provide stuff already in Debian?
> >
> I would say that the policy is "the Debian packages
> of TeX Live should be limited to TeX macros and fonts,

Yes, this is clear.

> >Just a short list of packages which occur in debian and are also part of
> >TeX live:
> >arabtex, chaksem, latex-beamer, latex-xcolor, lmodern,pgf, tex-chess,
> >texpower, prosper, musixtex, ........
> > 
> >
> I would "Conflict" with arabtex, chaksem, latex-beamer, latex-xcolor, 
> lmodern,pgf, tex-chess, prosper musixtexand "Suggest" texpower

Hmmmm. So we conflict with packages which are present in texlive and
Suggest those not in texlive. 

Ok, Frank and the other DDs, is this a `valid' procedure?

> >So now for me there is also the question: WHY? did we decide NOT to
> >package every tpm, also every single package, into a separate .deb?
> >
> because it blow up dpkg....?

Did it? It would have been just some few hundreds of new packages ;-)

> >Well, a whole lot of work for me to be done :-{{{{{ Getting all these
> >packages to work with texlive. 
> >
> just "Conflict" them all...

Well, this would be easy, ok.

But as I said, the lmodern-debian package has several advantages, as it
also installs stuff for X, so it would be preferable to use the lmodern
stuff from the direct debian packages. Also because it will probably be
more often updated as once a year.

I think this is a general question: Do we want to have TeX live `as
close as possible' into Debian, or do we want to have a `as complete as
possible' TeX system which is based on TeX live?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
sip:preining at at43.tuwien.ac.at                             +43 (0) 59966-690018
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