[tex-live] translations

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Aug 24 17:14:47 CEST 2004

Hello Bilge,

    I believe I can make translation of the user guide in to Turkish?


    Will it be useful for you? 

I don't see why not.

    or anybody started this translation?

Not to my knowledge.

    If there is a guide or instruction for making translation I will be
    happy to contribute.

There are no formal guidelines that I know of.  Basically, each
translator does whatever is necessary to make the document work right in
their language.

Aside from translating the English guide, often it is useful to add
hints or info about using TeX and TeX Live in the particular language at
hand.  I imagine that looking over the other existing guides (German,
French, Czech, etc.) could prove useful, for those who know other
languages.  (Since I am a stupid monolingual American, I don't know any
details about the other guides, unfortunately.)

I have started a mailing list specifically for the TeX Live
documentation and translations thereof (tldoc at tug.org).  I'll add you to
that list now.

I haven't yet started updating the documentation for the upcoming
release, but I know there will be some notable changes (no more "demo"
CD, for starters).  It's probably best to wait until I make at least one
pass over the English, or you'll end up wasting time translating stuff
that will be removed.

In addition to the main TeX Live document (live.tex), there's a
top-level README which would be good to translate into both plain text
and HTML.  That's pretty much it for TL.

I'll be mailing the tldoc list after I've made some progress with
specific info about where to get the files, etc.

Thanks again!


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