[tex-live] 8-bit change in doc

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Sep 17 01:57:37 CEST 2003

Dear translators and anyone else interested,

I added the following paragraph about the 8-bit change to the English
documentation.  (It really needs full documentation in the Web2c manual,
but anyway ...)

Let me know if corrections or suggestions.


==== //depot/Build/cdbuild/tldocsource/english/live.tex#80 - /home/karl/src/Build/cdbuild/tldocsource/english/live.tex ====
@@ -3892,6 +3892,15 @@
 \item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
       and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
       \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now output 8-bit input
+      characters as themselves in output (e.g., \verb|\write|) files,
+      log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+      \verb|^^| notation.  In \TeXLive{}~7, this translation was
+      dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+      not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior.  If for some reason
+      you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+      \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|.  (Future releases will have cleaner
+      ways to control this.)
 \item This documentation was substantially revised.
 \item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
       the version is now simply identified by the year: \TeXLive{} 2003.

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