[tex-live] How to maintain Omega

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Mon, 27 May 2002 00:33:49 +0100

On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 03:05:16AM +0430, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
> these days. Having someone update these, will be a huge burden, also since 
> there is not always only a single copy of a file in the three.

I don't recommend even trying, it will drive you mad!

> So I was thinking about keeping just a small tree, and somehow defining
> which are the parts that Omega people should maintain and the parts that
> TeXLive people should

I don't see that Omega needs to maintain anything except
 and (in source)

I'd strongly suggest the rest of the texmf tree in the CVS be wiped.
UNLESS anyone is prepared to maintain TeX Live from the Omega
site, which is a possibility. But that would be a big deal for 
someone to take on. I am afraid that I do not much fancy switching
from the Perforce-based system in Europe, just for the sake of Omega.

This is not the first time we have had this discussion, about
a common site to maintain The Master TeX source and texmf trees in.
As it stands, we have (at least):

 - TeX Live (inf fpTeX) and teTeX; broadly in sync, but maintained separately.
    currently this works because Thomas communicates with people doing
    TeXlive in an exceptionally civilised way.
 - web2c. Olaf maintains this master source of part of the system
    at a slower pace, quite rightly, and does not get involved
    in packaging TeX systems
 - Omega. a mysterious place.....

 - MikTeX. I don't know how Christian keeps himself up to date.
    I have never had any communication with him
 - the commercial folk. so far as one can tell, they don't ever
    update their TeX systems these days, and they have commercial
    closed-source drivers anyway
 - the semi-commercial Mac folk (CMacTeX and OzTeX). I don't
    know the extent to which they keep up

 - CTAN. its own world, doing a different job from useable texmf trees

I do not see anyone with the strength of will and the resources
to rescue the situation, but I am willing to believe that it
can be done.

does this correspond with other people's assessment?
Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431