[tex-live] Re: URGENT!!

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Wed, 15 May 2002 21:39:13 +0100

On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 10:30:08PM +0300, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
> But that's what we are actually trying to do: to make people aware of
> Omega and its capabilities.

yes, its a worthy aim. but does it help or hinder its 
takeup if you encourage people to use in production what is
really an alpha-state bit of research software?

> And of course people that use English or
> any other language that uses the  Latin alphabet are quite happy with
> TeX
I'm not :-}

> but we  (the majority?) who do not use the Latin alphabet
> we are not so happy with TeX. Try to type Cherokee, Greek and Russian
> with TeX and you will see what I mean.

I am tempted to say "so use Microsoft Word like all the rest of the
Greeks and Russians" :-}

> So we want to encourage the
> non-english speaking people to adopt a real solution to their
> multilingual typesetting business.

Omega isn't a real solution yet, is it?

> But if they don't try it or don't learn its features, how on earth it will
> ever succeed?

It will succeed when someone picks it up and "sells" it; maybe your
book will be the catalyst. TeX Live 7 won't be, I know that much.
What you need to do is a put a reliable version on the CD in the back
of your book. Is that possible? Can we make a special TL for your book?

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431