some glitches in TeX Live CD

Marc van Leeuwen
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 11:00:06 +0100

Dear TeX Live maintainers,

here are two small comments about the TeX Live distribution that you might
want to take into consideration for future releases:

(1) The documentation (/tldoc/english/livese2.html#x5-60002.1) mentions a
collection "ams" in the TDS tree, while in fact there does not appear to be
one. Conversely, there seems to be a collection supplement3 that is not
mentioned in the documentation.

(2) The script recognises an option --nohash as documented, but
it is not implemented, i.e., the file database is rebuilt regardless.

Thanks for the great work. Best regards

Marc van Leeuwen                            |  ô eaux, haut aux hauts os!
Université de Poitiers